“The TOZO T6 are a decent pair of trulywireless headphones"
"TOZO’s New OpenReal Wireless Earbuds Make For An Affordable Running Mate"
“These little earbuds are great -price value, ease of operation -10 stars!”
“The design of the TozoT10 earbuds are comparable tothe AirPodPros”
"TOZO is a company that is constantly looking into the future and trying to launch unique products and changing the way one listens."
"The noise canceling is superb and the earbuds are ergonomic for maximum comfort."
"Comfort is also impressive given the price with both TikTok influencers and regular Amazon shoppers saying they fit snugly and comfortably in the ear without sticking out."
"It’s impressive how far Tozo has come with its latest product. You’ll get a sound that is as elegant as its build, and it’s full of other features that also make it a great companion to your phone."
"If you’re looking for a funky mini pair of headphones with all the key features, you won’t get better than this."